Tabata (2020)
The clinical characteristics of COVID-19: a retrospective analysis of 104 patients from the
Laboratory Findings
Lymphopenia at hospital admission (Present vs. Not present)
COVID-19 (severe/critical)
Odds ratio: 5.000 (1.100-22.920) Univariate analysis

Diamond Princess cruise ship

Retrospective cohort study

Medical records


104 patients on the Diamond Princess cruise ship with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 hospitalised in the Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital in Japan

The patient age ranged from 25 to 93 years (median, 68 years; IQR, 46?75??75 years), and 54 (51?9%) patients were male. Most of the patients were from Eastern Asia, with Japanese and Chinese ethnicities as the majority. The range of observation period was 3??15 days (median, 10 days; IQR, 7??10 days). Fifty-two (50?0%) patients had comorbidities. Based on their presentation on the day of admission, 43 patients (41?4%) who did not display any symptoms were classified as asymptomatic, whereas 41 (39?4%) and 20 (19?2%) patients were classified to have mild and severe COVID-19, respectively.


COVID-19 (severe/critical)


Patients with severe COVID-19 Severe symptomatic cases were defined as patients showing clinical symptoms of pneumonia (dyspnea, tachypnea, peripheral capillary oxygen saturation <93%, and need for oxygen therapy). Patients with other symptoms were classified as mild cases.

Laboratory Findings

Lymphopenia at hospital admission

Prevalence rate of lymphopenia on the day of admission: Lymphocyte count <1200 (/?L)

Not present


Odds ratio

5.000 (1.100-22.920)





Older age, consolidation on chest computed tomography, and lymphopenia on admission were more frequent in patients with severe COVID-19 than those with mild COVID-19 at the end of observation.

