Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was done to evaluate the effect of age, sex, race or ethnicity (using white race as a reference group), comorbidities (BMI, presence of coronary artery disease, presence of congestive heart failure, history of cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes, or COPD, current smoker, history of hypertension, immunocompromised state, and history of hyperlipidaemia), medications (cardiac medications,
antivirals, and the treatment regimens of interest), and severity of illness scores (qSOFA <1 and SPO2 <94%) on the risk of clinically significant ventricular arrhythmia (using the time from admission to first occurrence, or if the event did not occur, to the time of discharge) and mortality (using the time from admission to inpatient mortality or discharge).
The propensity score was based on the following variables: age, BMI, gender, race or ethnicity, comorbidities, use of ACE inhibitors, use of statins, use of angiotensin receptor blockers, treatment with other antivirals, qSOFA score of less than 1, and SPO2 of less than 94% on room air. ' WHERE `risks`.`risk_adj_description` = 'Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was
done to evaluate the effect of age, sex, race or ethnicity
(using white race as a reference group), comorbidities
(BMI, presence of coronary artery disease, presence of
congestive heart failure, history of cardiac arrhythmia,
diabetes, or COPD, current smoker, history of hypertension, immunocompromised state, and history of hyperlipidaemia), medications (cardiac medications,
antivirals, and the treatment regimens of interest), and
severity of illness scores (qSOFA <1 and SPO2 <94%) on
the risk of clinically significant ventricular arrhythmia
(using the time from admission to first occurrence, or if
the event did not occur, to the time of discharge) and
mortality (using the time from admission to inpatient
mortality or discharge).