The patients were in treatment at one of 24 Italian IBD referral units for either CD (n=32) or UC (n=47). Overall, 49 patients had COVID-19 confirmed by a positive nasopharyngeal swab, while 30 cases were confirmed by clinical and radiological signs. The most common COVID-19 symptoms were fever (90%), cough (66%), dysosmia/dysgeusia (24%), arthralgia/myalgia (23%), dyspnoea (19%), diarrhoea (15%) and rhino-pharyngitis (16%). Overall, 36 patients (46%) had COVID-19-related pneumonia, 22 (28%) were hospitalised, 7 (9%) required non-mechanical ventilation, 9 (11%) required continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, 2 (3%) underwent endotracheal intubation and 6 (8%) died. No significant differences between patients with CD and UC were found in terms of concomitant medications: steroids (p=0.13), thiopurines (p=0.52), anti-TNF (p=0.11) and vedolizumab (p=0.71)
Age, years, median (range) 45 (18–80)
Female, n (%) 35 (44.3%)